Screening of children under 1 year old is particularly important since visiting all specialists for compulsory examination precisely before age of 1year assists to escape experiencing serious health problems in future. Most diseases once detected in childhood are successfully cured.
Compulsory examinations of a child under 1 year old are:
■ Screening of a newborn in first 2 weeks after birth.
■ During 1st month. Consultations: pediatrician (besides general examination, a screening for congenital metabolic and genetic diseases is being carried out); pediatric surgeon; neurologist; ophthalmologist. Investigations: USI of abdomen, brain USI (neurosonography), echo, audio screening.
■ 2 months. Consultations: pediatrician, neurologist (in case not consulted at 1st month). Investigations: common blood count, urine test.
■ 4 months. Consultations: pediatrician, traumatologist-podiatrist.
■ 6 months. Consultations: pediatrician, pediatric surgeon, neurologist. Investigations: common blood count, determination of iron in blood, common urine test, echo.
■ 9 months. Consultation of pediatrician. Investigations: common blood count, common urine test.
■ 1 year. Consultations: pediatrician, pediatric surgeon, ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologist (ENT-specialist), dentist. Examinations: common blood count, glucose in blood, common urine test, ECG.
In MediClub KIDS we provide services for children of all ages in range of 0-18 years old. Your child may pass full check-up here, including examinations of all specialists and application of various diagnostics. You may also register your child in our clinic.
Contact number: MediClub KIDS (012) 525 09 19