Rise in popularity of halotherapy is due to a fact that this procedure is considered by physicians as perfect way to restore respiratory system function after COVID-19 infection.
Main active factor of halotherapy method is dry highly dispersed aerosol of sodium chloride spread in halochamber. It is a special solution of sodium chloride, consisting of smallest particles sized 0.5-5 mkm. Due to its size, these particles penetrate even deepest parts of respiratory ways which in term results in decrease of inflammatory process, activation of immunity, decrease of bronchial mucous membrane edema, improvement of drainage function of respiratory ways. Ionized salt aerosol has antimicrobial effect, helps to decrease a risk of development of heavy complications and accelerates rehabilitation of COVID-19 infected patients in significant way.
All these factors contribute to acknowledgement of halotherapy by specialists as effective rehabilitation method after coronavirus infection as well as for prevention of it.
In MediClub Hospital we use special equipment enabling to achieve and maintain certain temperature, humidity and level of air saturation with sodium chloride in salt room, thus creating a microclimate close to a climate of natural salt mines. One of 6 regimens determined by a physician individually for every particular case is available depending on diagnosis and age of a patient. Duration of a procedure is up to 1 hour. Number of procedures is being prescribed by a doctor.
Detailed information as well as scheduling the halotherapy procedure in MediClub Hospital are available via (012) 310 09 11 land line number.