
Halotherapy is a non-drug method based on the creation of an artificial microclimate close to the climate of underground salt mines.

The main active factor of the halotherapy method is a dry highly dispersed aerosol of sodium chloride. The predominance of respirable particles in the sodium chloride solution ensures effectiveness by penetrating all parts of the respiratory tract, down to the deepest. Ionized salt aerosol, penetrating into the human respiratory organs, binds all toxins, bacteria, allergens, including pathogenic bacteria and viruses, stimulates the protective mechanisms of the respiratory tract, has a mucolytic, bronchodrainage, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effect, increases the resistance of the mucous membrane to infections.

Indications for halotherapy:
■ respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, etc.;
■ skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema, acne;
■ rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis;
■ allergy;
■ frequent colds;
■ weak immunity;
■ occupational diseases of the respiratory system (work in hazardous production);
■ psycho-emotional instability, chronic stress.

Placement of the patient in an environment free from microorganisms and allergens is of decisive importance in halotherapy. During the procedure, the patient stops contact with external adverse influences (allergens, pollutants, etc.), which further contributes to the restoration of the immunobiological parameters of the respiratory system.

Halotherapy procedures contribute to the stabilization of the state of the autonomic nervous system and have a positive psycho-emotional effect.

Halotherapy has surged in popularity during pandemics as it was seen as the ideal treatment to restore the respiratory system after being infected with COVID-19.