Cardiology (old.Greek καρδία –heart and λόγος-study) is a part of medicine, studying сardiovascular system of human body: structure and development of heart and vessels, their functions as well as diagnostics of heart diseases and elaboration of effective treatment and prevention methods.
Cardiologists of MediClub carry-out outpatient treatment of following heart diseases:
■ Treatment of various forms of arterial hypertension;
■ Conservative treatment of heart ischemic disease;
■ Conservative treatment of heart-rhythm disturbances and conductivity disorders;
■ Heart failure treatment.
Besides carrying out treatment of heart diseases, ER specialists and cardiologists of MediClub provide also urgent cardiac support, as well as round-clock transportation of patients suffering of below mentioned conditions and diseases:
■ Acute coronary syndrom (acute myocardial infection and unstable angina);
■ heart-rhythm disturbances and conductivity disorders accompanied by circulatory or coronary failure or their progressive flow;
■ pulmonary embolism;
■ chronic form of ischemic heart disease in case of complications development or when interventional diagnostics and treatment methods are required;
■ arterial hypertension (symptomatic and refractory hypertension of 2-3 degree);
■ acute myocarditis and exacerbation stage of chronic myocarditis;
■ cardiomyopathy;
■ heart-rhythm disturbances and conductivity disorders; ■ chronic decompensated heart failure;
■ pericarditis.
MediClub clinics provide for following functional diagnostic methods of heart diseases:
■ Electrocardiography (ECG); ■ Echocardiography (Echo-CG)
■ 24-hour blood pressure monitoring (allows to determine arterial hypertension level as well as to estimate efficiency of treatment administered);
■ 24-hour ECG Holter monitoring (analyzing heart arrythmias, variability of heart rhythm; detecting episodes of ischemia during 24 hours, determining “dumb” or painless myocardial ischemia);
■ Тredmill-test;
■ Ultrasound scan of major vessels (allows estimation of blood flow, condition of vessel crease and vessel walls).