MediClub Dental is a separate dental clinic operating in the MediClub group since 2005.
Equipped with the latest equipment, the clinic guarantees the high quality of the services provided. The clinic consists of 5 rooms, including an operating room equipped with the latest generation of Siemens dental equipment. The clinic provides its services to highly qualified specialists in all major dental areas with extensive professional experience, treatment is carried out at a high level in compliance with international standards.

Using the most effective technologies and materials from the world's leading manufacturers, dental treatment has ceased to be a painful procedure (from the treatment of caries to the most complex operations). The best hypoallergenic anesthetics of the latest generation, drugs for sedation and general anesthesia help to eliminate even minor discomfort that the patient may experience.

One of the primary tasks in the effective treatment and prevention of diseases of the oral cavity is diagnostics.
Instrumental diagnostics of MediClub Dental includes:
■ Visiography - X-ray of the teeth;
■ Panoramic orthopantomogram - a study that allows you to get a panoramic image of the upper and lower jaws and teeth, jawbone, maxillary joint and paranasal sinuses;
■ 3D dental computed tomography is a high-precision digital diagnostic method that allows you to get a three-dimensional image of the dentoalveolar system and paranasal sinuses. 3D CT reveals changes in bones, teeth, and soft tissues that are not visualized on a conventional 2D x-ray. There are no absolute contraindications to dental CT due to the minimal radiation exposure during the study.

MediClub Dental provides the following types of emergency and planned dental care:
1. Prevention - professional teeth cleaning, tartar removal, AirFlow whitening, fissure sealing to prevent the development of caries in children.
2. Therapeutic dentistry (dentistry) - treatment of caries, acute toothache, pulpitis, periodontitis, root canal treatment, treatment of complex cases (cleaning of deviated root and spiral canals), dental filling.
3. Surgical dentistry - extraction of teeth, removal of wisdom teeth, removal of neoplasms and cysts of teeth (cystectomy), plastic surgery of soft tissues (frenectomy - plastic surgery of the upper and lower lips, scarf), jaw recession surgery (maxillo-mandibular advancement surgery). (MMA), treatment of alveolitis with socket revision, opening of facial-maxillary abscesses, tooth-preserving operations (amputation of the tooth root, hemisection of the tooth, resection of the tooth root (apicoectomy), retrograde tooth filling).
4. Orthopedic dentistry - fixed prosthetics (crown placement), removable prosthetics (clasp dentures (clasp dentures), plate dentures, removable dentures (prostheses on implants).
5. Orthodontics (occlusion correction) - installation of braces, lingual braces, vestibular multi-plate braces, mouth guards, 3D technologies in orthodontics (OrthoCad), orthodontic microimplants.
6. Pediatric dentistry - treatment of milk teeth, fissure sealing, teeth cleaning in children, caries treatment in children, filling in children, extraction of teeth in children, installation of braces in children, dental treatment in children is carried out under anesthesia and sedation.

7. Dental implantation - one-stage dental implantation, two-stage dental implantation, basal implantation, bone grafting, etc.
8. Aesthetic dentistry - teeth whitening, veneers, dental restoration.
9. Painless treatment - dental treatment under anesthesia and sedation for children and adults.
MediClub Dental offers ceramic dental restorations made with the CEREC 3DCAD/CAM (Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic) system.

CEREC technology is used to design and install anatomically accurate veneers, dental inlays, crowns and small dental ceramic bridges. The main advantage of this method is the possibility of aesthetic restoration of the tooth in one visit to the dentist. In addition, unlike other dental procedures, there is no need to take an impression, and there is no need to install a temporary crown or filling. The material for the restoration of teeth is porcelain - a high-strength hypoallergenic material that has no contraindications and a wide selection of shades allows you to achieve the best aesthetic result.
The clinic pays great attention to the issues of instrument sterilization, which is carried out in automatic control of all stages and processes of disinfection and sterilization and eliminates the possibility of contamination of dental instruments.
The MediClub Dental team includes specialists in the following areas: specialists in therapeutic, surgical, orthodontic dentistry with experience of internship and work abroad with subsequent international certification.
The experience of foreign specialists is also widely used.
Patient reception hours at MediClub Dental: from 09:00 to 21:00 from Monday to Saturday and from 10:00 to 16:00 on Sundays.