Methods of functional diagnostics are aimed at an objective assessment of the state of individual organs and physiological systems of the body. The results of functional diagnostics are supplemented by data obtained during the examination for somatic pathology.
The department of functional diagnostics of the MediClub clinics is represented by modern diagnostic equipment, which allows to carry out the following studies:
■ Electrocardiography (ECG);
■ Treadmill;
■ Holter monitoring;
■ Echocardiography (Echo-CG);
■ Electroencephalography (EEG);
■ Electroneuromyography (ENMG);
■ Spirometry;
■ Audiometry;
■ 3D spine scan.
Electrocardiography (ECG)
Electrocardiography (ECG) is a method of functional diagnostics based on the registration of electrical impulses that occur during the work of the heart. This simple and informative research method allows you to determine the rhythm, frequency and strength of heart contractions, as well as assess the blood supply to the heart muscle.

Depending on the nature of the changes detected on electrocardiography, the following pathological conditions are diagnosed: arrhythmia, infarction, ischemic changes, ventricular hypertrophy, etc.
Studies conducted in the MediClub clinics include ECG (at rest), exercise (treadmill test), 24-hour monitoring (Holter monitoring).
Treadmill test
Treadmill test is a method of functional diagnostics, which consists in recording an ECG when exposed to a dosed physical load on a treadmill. The purpose of the study was to analyze dynamic changes in the electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood pressure (BP), as well as testing tolerance to physical activity when walking on a treadmill.

Persons suffering from heart diseases are subjected to a treadmill test to detect latent insufficiency of blood supply to the heart muscle (ischemia), detect rhythm disturbances, dynamically monitor the effectiveness of treatment, etc.
This method has contraindications, which are determined by the attending physician during the consultation.
Treadmill test also performed at the MediClub Polyclinic.
Holter monitoring
Holter monitoring is a method of functional diagnostics, which is a continuous ECG recording for 24 hours or more using a special portable heart image recorder. It is used in cases where an assessment of cardiac activity is required over a long period of time: the diagnosis of arrhythmias, ischemia, monitoring the function of the installed pacemaker and the effectiveness of the treatment.
Echocardiography (Echo-CG)
Echocardiography (Echo-CG) is a method of ultrasound examination widely used in cardiology. Ultrasonic waves make it possible to determine both functional and morphological changes in the heart and valvular apparatus. Echo-CG is used to diagnose heart defects, sclerotic changes in coronary vessels, aortic aneurysm, intracardiac thrombus, expansion of the heart chambers, etc.
In the MediClub clinics, echocardiography is performed on the GE Voluson E10 and GE Voluson E8 expert-class ultrasound machines at the MediClub Polyclinic and MediClub Hospital. It is also possible to go home Echo-KG on a portable ultrasound machine.
Electroencephalography (EEG)
Electroencephalography (EEG) is a highly sensitive method of functional diagnostics, which consists in examining the brain when exposed to an electrical impulse. EEG does not require special preparation, the method is absolutely safe and painless. An EEG is performed by neurologists to detect the following changes: early signs of epilepsy, inflammation and circulatory disorders of the brain, a tumor process, the consequences of a stroke, etc. In babies, an EEG is performed to assess the degree of brain development.

There are various types of EEG studies: routine EEG (performed within 10-15 minutes), EEG with provocative tests, daily EEG monitoring, night EEG monitoring. The need for this or that type of this procedure in each individual case is determined by the doctor.
Encephalography is performed at the MediClub Polyclinic, MediClub KIDS, MediClub Hospital by experienced neurologists using 21 and 32 EEG channels. In our clinic, EEG is available even for the smallest patients. An EEG is also available with home visits.
Electroneuromyography (ENMG)
Electroneuromyography (ENMG) is a method of functional diagnostics based on recording the bioelectrical activity of muscles and peripheral nerves. ENMG examines the transmission of electrical impulses along nerves, the electrical activity of muscles, and the transmission from nerve to muscle.
ENMG is performed for the following diseases: hereditary myopathy or muscular dystrophy, myotonia, polymyositis, periodic paralysis, myasthenia gravis and myasthenic syndromes, metabolic and inflammatory polyradiculopathy, herniated discs, chronic peripheral nerve compression, connective tissue dysplasia, persistent enuresis (bedwetting) that do not respond to ongoing treatment, contractures and deformities of the joints, neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis, neuritis of the facial nerve, etc.
In the MediClub Polyclinic, ENMG is performed using a computerized electroneuromyograph and includes: surface ENMG, needle ENMG, stimulation ENMG. The survey is conducted among children, adolescents and adults.
Spirometry is a method of functional diagnostics, which consists in the study of the ventilation function of the lungs.
This study allows you to assess the functional state of the lungs and bronchi: lung capacity (the volume of air that a person can inhale and exhale), airway patency; also, to identify obstruction (bronchospasm) and the severity of pathological changes.

Indications for spirometry are: diagnosis of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive bronchitis, shortness of breath, persistent cough, harmful work, evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of pathology of the bronchi and lungs, the effect of medicines on the lungs. Early detection of diseases of the respiratory system allows you to get rid of the pathology and avoid complications.
Spirometry is performed at the MediClub Polyclinic.
Audiometry is a method of functional diagnostics aimed at assessing hearing indicators and allowing to determine the "hearing threshold" of the patient. The main indications for audiometry:
■ Diseases of the inner and middle ear, causing hearing loss;
■ Head and neck injuries leading to hearing loss;
■ Infectious diseases of the ears;
■ Brain diseases associated with the auditory cortex;
■ Suspected occupational hearing loss;
■ Hearing loss of unknown origin.

In the MediClub polyclinic, tone audiometry and threshold audiometry are performed using an audiometer that produces signals of various intensities: from 125 to 8000 Hz. The investigation is being conducted in a soundproof room. A signal of a certain tone is transmitted to the patient through headphones. This method is aimed at determining the level of discomfort in response to a signal. The results are displayed on the audiogram.
3D scanning of spine
3D scanning of the spine is a method of functional diagnostics that allows you to assess the condition of the spine and the musculoskeletal system without exposing the body to radiation exposure.
The 3D scanner creates a three-dimensional model of the surface of the human body, making it possible to detect even the slightest deviations from the norm.

The doctor receives objective information about the spine, posture, head position, shortening of the limbs. A change in posture, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis are clearly identified.
Due to its safety, this method is especially relevant for the study of the musculoskeletal system in children.

3D spine scanning is performed at MediClub KIDS.