The MediClub laboratory has been operating since 1998, since the opening of the first MediClub institution - the MediClub Polyclinic. Today, each branch of MediClub has its own laboratory.
MediClub Polyclinic and MediClub Hospital provide round-the-clock collection, registration and examination of biological material. Working hours of MediClub KIDS and MediClub Ganja: from 8:00 to 20:00. In addition, a laboratory team visit service is available for sampling.
The laboratory allows to carry out more than 1300 types of clinical diagnostic laboratory tests.

The range of studies includes: clinical, hematological, biochemical, coagulological, allergic, hormonal, immunological, serological, microbiological studies, detection of markers of the inflammatory process and autoimmune diseases, PCR diagnostics, drug monitoring.
The average number of tests performed annually by MediClub is over 400,000. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our lab has performed over 500,000 COVID tests.
In addition, in accordance with international standards, our laboratory performs chemical and bacteriological control of water quality for more than 50 parameters, including analyses for legionella, as well as bacteriological studies of food samples, performed for a number of foreign and local companies located throughout the territory. Azerbaijan.

In November 2004, MediClub laboratory has been externally audited and accredited by LabCred (UK).
Since 2015, the MediClub laboratory has become the first laboratory in Azerbaijan participating in the RIGAS (UK) external quality assessment program.
Since 2019, the MediClub laboratory has also been working in parallel with the Bio-Rad EQAS® external quality assessment program (USA).
Our main goal is reliable results of the investigation. Choosing us, you choose professionals!